arc(cx, cy, w, h, startAngle, endAngle, [mode])

The arc() function draws an arc. Arcs are drawn along the outer edge of an ellipse defined by the x, y, width and height parameters. The origin or the arc’s ellipse may be changed with the ellipseMode() function. The start and stop parameters specify the angles at which to draw the arc.

Type: function


  • cx {Number}:

    X-coordinate of the arc’s center.

  • cy {Number}:

    Y-coordinate of the arc’s center.

  • w {Number}:

    Width of the arc’s ellipse.

  • h {Number}:

    Height of the arc’s ellipse.

  • startAngle {Number}:

    Starting angle of the arc in radians.

  • endAngle {Number}:

    Ending angle of the arc in radians.

  • mode {String} Optional:

    Mode to define the rendering technique of the arc: OPEN (default), CHORD, or PIE.


  • {GraphicLine | Polygon}:

    The resulting GraphicLine or Polygon object (in InDesign Scripting terms the corresponding type is GraphicLine or Polygon, not Arc).